Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
Of the 46 subsidies provided, the largest was for Ray Smith Logging, Inc., which received $50,875 for the claim of "Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program".
The smallest subsidy provided to a Jefferson County farmer was $81 to James Allan Lane Jr..
There were 76 fewer subsidies than the year before, and the total value of the subsidies fell by $50,741.
Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."
USDA data analyzed by the Cato Institute found that "farmers (on net) have derived almost 40% of their income directly from the U.S. government” in recent years.
The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters to help maintain consistent farming across the country.
Farmer | $ Received | Reason for Subsidy | Total Received in Subsidies by Farmer ($) |
Ray Smith Logging, Inc. | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Howard T. Bonds | $4,645 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,645 |
James Allan Lane Jr. | $3,792 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,092 |
Mcgarry Farms, LLC | $2,408 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,408 |
Ray Smith Logging, Inc. | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Dale Sampson | $1,844 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,844 |
Woodlawn Cattle Company, LLC | $1,598 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,759 |
Dougal Rayford Smith Jr. | $1,522 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,522 |
Joe K. Smith | $1,425 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,425 |
Gordon M. McGarry Jr. | $1,312 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,312 |
James Allan Lane Jr. | $1,219 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,092 |
Peter Queen | $1,021 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,021 |
Clifton Rankin Jr. | $921 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $921 |
Leonard Felton Jr. | $770 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $770 |
Larry E. Brandon | $710 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $710 |
Vernell Walton | $695 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $695 |
Charles E. Noble | $674 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $674 |
Cammie E. Hutcherson | $564 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $564 |
Herman Washington | $550 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $550 |
Michael William Suggs | $540 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $864 |
Thedford Butler Suggs Jr. | $540 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $864 |
Bud O. Williams | $527 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $527 |
Al C. Green | $518 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $518 |
Terrance Fells | $474 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $474 |
Ronald M. Frye | $471 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $471 |
Keith January Sr. | $395 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $395 |
Leonard Brinkley Jr. | $395 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $395 |
Irving Washington | $388 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $388 |
Donavann L Felton | $372 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $372 |
Tangela Williams | $356 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $356 |
Madrid Anderson | $352 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $352 |
Terry D. Ware Sr. | $332 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $332 |
Henry Bell | $330 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $493 |
Mandy Green | $325 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $325 |
Michael William Suggs | $324 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $864 |
Thedford Butler Suggs Jr. | $324 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $864 |
Reuben R. Smith Jr. | $317 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $317 |
Gregory Queen | $292 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $292 |
David L. Perry | $259 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $259 |
Marvin Fredrich Eanos | $246 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $246 |
Dudley Guice | $230 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $230 |
Roger L. Rankin Jr. | $191 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $191 |
Henry Bell | $163 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $493 |
Woodlawn Cattle Company, LLC | $161 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $1,759 |
Alex Fleming | $160 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $160 |
James Allan Lane Jr. | $81 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,092 |