Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock
Of the 150 subsidies provided, the largest was for 3M Timber, LLC, which received $50,875 for the claim of "Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program".
The smallest subsidy provided to a Wilkinson County farmer was $7 to Joe Rollins.
There were 169 fewer subsidies than the year before, and the total value of the subsidies fell by $749,261.
Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."
USDA data analyzed by the Cato Institute found that "farmers (on net) have derived almost 40% of their income directly from the U.S. government” in recent years.
The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters to help maintain consistent farming across the country.
Farmer | $ Received | Reason for Subsidy | Total Received in Subsidies by Farmer ($) |
3M Timber, LLC | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Bankston Trucking, LLC | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
CST Timber Company | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
J & M Logging, Inc. | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
M & W Logging, LLC | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Richard a Tarver Jr. | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Tiger Timber, Inc. | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Wesley M Zion | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
B. Foreman Logging, Inc. | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Mcdowell Logging, Inc. | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Rollins Wells Timber, LLC | $50,875 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Warsaw Plantation, LLC | $35,983 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $62,775 |
Riverbank Logging | $35,233 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $37,233 |
Donald Enis | $29,565 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities | $38,150 |
Henry W. Darden Jr. | $27,178 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $27,178 |
Warsaw Plantation, LLC | $26,792 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $62,775 |
Jennings L. Owens | $25,327 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $25,327 |
Curry Livestock, LLC | $23,516 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $23,516 |
Russell L. Vine | $18,335 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $18,335 |
Buckey Darden | $18,320 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $18,320 |
Chadwick J. Vines | $10,726 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $10,726 |
Troy L. McKey Jr. | $9,546 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $9,546 |
Donald Enis | $8,585 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $38,150 |
Turnbull Ranch, Inc. | $8,377 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $8,377 |
Hunt Hill Cattle Company | $8,160 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $8,160 |
R & S Land Company, LLC | $6,985 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $10,797 |
Joe E. Brian | $6,759 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $9,332 |
Buffalo River Farms, LLC | $6,089 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $6,089 |
Gerie P Foster | $5,671 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,671 |
HTKH, LLC | $5,385 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $7,385 |
Jason N. Cavin | $5,318 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,318 |
Thomas A. Johnson | $4,964 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,589 |
Carrie Rebecca Day | $4,964 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $6,981 |
Earl Guy McNabb | $4,860 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $8,301 |
Doug G. Brashier | $4,457 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,457 |
G&J Tucking, LLC | $3,784 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $5,784 |
James C. Geddes | $3,679 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,667 |
Lucas John Guilbeau | $3,658 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,658 |
Louis Gaulden Jr. | $3,531 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,531 |
Earl Guy McNabb | $3,441 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $8,301 |
Randy Whetstone | $3,367 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $3,693 |
R & S Land Company, LLC | $3,364 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $10,797 |
David Harris Payne | $3,351 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,351 |
Lorraine Stockett | $3,134 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,317 |
Carl B. Walker Sr. | $3,110 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,110 |
Thomas Greer | $3,055 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,055 |
Eugene L. Pritchard Jr. | $2,873 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $4,437 |
R. C. Simmons | $2,800 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $7,477 |
James T Falkenheiner | $2,722 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,722 |
Joe E. Brian | $2,573 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $9,332 |
Cc Cattle | $2,307 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,307 |
Bill Bankston | $2,073 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,073 |
Austin N. Cavin Sr. | $2,039 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,039 |
Lorraine Stockett | $2,019 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,317 |
3M Timber, LLC | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Bankston Trucking, LLC | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
CST Timber Company | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
HTKH, LLC | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $7,385 |
J & M Logging, Inc. | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
M & W Logging, LLC | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Richard a Tarver Jr. | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Tiger Timber, Inc. | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Wesley M Zion | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
B. Foreman Logging, Inc. | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
G&J Tucking, LLC | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $5,784 |
Mcdowell Logging, Inc. | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
Riverbank Logging | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $37,233 |
Rollins Wells Timber, LLC | $2,000 | Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program | $52,875 |
James C. Geddes | $1,988 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,667 |
R. C. Simmons | $1,921 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $7,477 |
Lucious E. Pritchard | $1,911 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,911 |
Carrie Rebecca Day | $1,891 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $6,981 |
R. C. Simmons | $1,817 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $7,477 |
Fred Anderson | $1,811 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,811 |
Jeremy Free | $1,760 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $1,760 |
Jerry Percy Russ | $1,667 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,667 |
Triple K Farms, LLC | $1,647 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,647 |
Austin Neal Cavin Jr. | $1,616 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,616 |
Joel K. Cupit | $1,593 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,593 |
Donny T. Cupit | $1,575 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,575 |
Eugene L. Pritchard Jr. | $1,564 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $4,437 |
Charles E. Johnson | $1,540 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,540 |
Sam Nicholas | $1,510 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,019 |
Sam Nicholas | $1,510 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $3,019 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $1,480 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,475 |
William M. Seal | $1,476 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,476 |
Charlie Floyd | $1,408 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,408 |
George P. Ferguson | $1,294 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,294 |
Michael Perry | $1,277 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,277 |
Clifford C. Whetstone | $1,257 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $1,257 |
Jack D. Lobrano | $1,242 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,242 |
Earnest Newman | $1,155 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $2,724 |
Earnest Newman | $1,155 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $2,724 |
Bobby Wayne Johnson Jr. | $1,101 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $1,101 |
Jeffrey Scott Wesberry | $951 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $951 |
Andrew Abadie | $945 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $945 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $909 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,475 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $909 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,475 |
Leon Veals | $907 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $907 |
Allen Handy | $899 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $899 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $838 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,475 |
Warren W. Whitaker | $838 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $1,154 |
R. C. Simmons | $827 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $7,477 |
Douglas Griffin | $825 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $825 |
David Bell | $796 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $796 |
Ronald Perkins | $742 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $742 |
James M. Johnson | $725 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $725 |
Thomas A. Johnson | $625 | Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage | $5,589 |
Walter Brown Jr. | $620 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $620 |
Dusty R. Rhodes | $587 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $587 |
Bobby Louis Parker Sr. | $550 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act | $550 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $496 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,475 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $496 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $5,475 |
Charles Daniel Wisner | $450 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $450 |
R & S Land Company, LLC | $448 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $10,797 |
Bobby W. Johnson | $447 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $447 |
Sarah Vine | $433 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $433 |
Stanley McDowell | $390 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $390 |
Dean Ash | $376 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $376 |
Mike Foreman | $376 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $376 |
Samuel L. Blackmon | $344 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $344 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $328 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,475 |
Randy Whetstone | $326 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $3,693 |
Warren W. Whitaker | $316 | Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage | $1,154 |
Stevenson Hunter | $312 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $312 |
Johnny Smallwood | $311 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $311 |
David Voorhies | $270 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $270 |
Samuel Harden Jr. | $270 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $270 |
Joseph K. Whitaker | $234 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $234 |
Linda W. Whitaker | $234 | Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental | $234 |
Earnest Newman | $207 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,724 |
Earnest Newman | $207 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $2,724 |
Sylvester Gaines | $204 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $204 |
Essie Bethley | $176 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $176 |
Martha D. James | $146 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $146 |
Carrie Rebecca Day | $126 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $6,981 |
Joseph Matthew Robillard | $125 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $125 |
R. C. Simmons | $112 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $7,477 |
Larry Causey | $97 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $97 |
Mitchell P. Seaberry | $82 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $82 |
Lorraine Stockett | $72 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,317 |
Lorraine Stockett | $41 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,317 |
Lorraine Stockett | $34 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,317 |
Carol F. Matthews | $19 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $34 |
T O Sessions JR Estate | $19 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $5,475 |
Lucille Lobrano | $18 | Agriculture Risk Program - Individual Coverage | $18 |
Lorraine Stockett | $17 | Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry | $5,317 |
Carol F. Matthews | $15 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $34 |
Elton Noland | $9 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $9 |
Joe Rollins | $7 | Price Loss Coverage Program | $7 |